Monday 20th Mar, Channel5 - The Gadget Show

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ManofScience, Mar 14, 2006.

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  1. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    Monday 20th Mar, Channel5 - The Gadget Show

    Right... watched it last night, as i often do, cause it's fairly interested - for example, last night it was on about current HD tvs and how NONE of them are as good as they can be - and it was interesting to say if you're SERIOUS about getting a HD telly, wait a few years - unless u've got pots of cash.

    ANYWAYS, back on track - it advertised next weeks show and it's going to have a piece on 'DIGITAL MUSIC' and it's basically pock-marked Pete Tong reviewing the top CDJs around... showed a pic of him on one of the technics CD decks... looks interesting :up:

    will bump this next week..

    PLUS - suzi is filth

  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. claire

    claire Beautifully Bad

    Dec 8, 2005
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    Leamington Spa
    I get loads of "geeky" abuse from my flatmates for watching it, but it's a quality program. I've a bad habit of buying things just for the sake of it, like my projecter keyboard for my phone:confused:

    And Suzi Perry is gorgeous :drool:
  4. Guest

    Re: Monday 20th Mar, Channel5 - The Gadget Show

    wot time is it on? im after a pair so it would be good 4 me
  5. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    I SAW THEM!!!!


    it's on at 7:15ish.. Mondays, Channel 5

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