Moments/tunes that you forgot about cos you were off your titties I just got a massive flash back of global gathering in 2005 (I think it was 05). I was completely monged off my tits, possibly the worst I've ever been judging by the state I was in going home on the coach, but the only tune I remember from the whole experience is this one: [yt]GEPi-SM_EQM[/yt] (first few seconds are of a different tune) (And it's by Inertia, not Interia) It was in the godskitchen tent but I'm not sure who was on at the time. It must have been after midnight. I wanna say PVD but I have a feeling he wouldn't have been on that late. I was wading through the crowds, spaced out like fuck and couldn't find anyone I knew, but the only memory I have is of this tune being played and it fitted my state of mind perfectly Good times! At least until the coach home...
I think it was - that was a good global if i recall. tiesto played that monged outdoor beach stage that made everyones back ache out to fuck. Ferry and Pvd Tore apart the God's tent. was amazing. Some of the Tunage that comes to mind for that festival in general for me was: [ame=""]YouTube- Blank & Jones - Perfect Silence (E-Craig's 212 Remix)[/ame] [ame=""]YouTube- Young Parisians Ft Ben Lost - Jump The Next Train[/ame] amongst many others. was a fucking mental party.
Aye I think I'd been to work on friday, gone to promise friday night, got off my tits, went back to an after party, got more off my tits until 6am or whenever it was that I got a taxi to central for the coach, drank on the way down to global then got more off my tits until I lost the plot and couldn't find my m8's or myself for probably the best part of 4 hours towards the end of it all. When we got back to town, I ended up wandering straight off the coach, leaving my m8's, bag, hoody/other things, accross the redheugh bridge and into some field before I even partially came to my senses. I can barely remember anything between first getting on the coach at global, and ending up in that field. If we'd invented teleportation devices I'd be convinved that some cunt had transported me from the bus to that field because my mind is completely blank. Luckily my phone was on with credit so I was able to get a lift after about an hour or wandering around half terrified of what was going on
i remember sitting out the back of one tent at the end of global 2004. Everyone was fucked, knackered, wrecked, and sunburnt all in one. Then i heard Mistress Barbara play Murder Was The Bass as her last last tune. I was the only person in the whole tent. Just me and Barbara, she came down and gave me a hug after