Mobile Calls Abroad PRINCESS JANE Just got this press release, if anyone can afford a holiday this year then could be a moneysaver esp for those post-club loved up rants to mates back in the UK. click clack Basically a pay-as-you-go global sim so you can receive free calls and make cheap ones.
there has to be a catch i cant see why networks across the world would sign up to this when they can make big bucks by working with global partners. Plus alot of the foreign networks are owned by big conglomerates (Vodafone, Hutchinson Wampoa, T-Mobile etc) so they would be ripping themselves off
Possible catch is that the SIM card costs twenty quid, even still, it still it sounds to good to be true imo. Would be ideal for my lass who's an airhostess if it was though.
I heard on the radio a few weeks ago that there were talks about stamping down on the amount it costs to make calls to/from abroad. Not sure if that has anything to do with it. Seems to me it's similar to the way banks could get away with fining you a fortune for nothing.