mixer trouble ive had my numark mixer for about 2 years,and the faders have all started making a horrible crackling sound. is there any way of fixing this or is it fucked???
if it has replacable crossfaders you can sort that but it sounds like buying a new one would be a good idea. i think it has something to do with dust getting in the grooves. same deal happened with my numark mixer. i bought a new one and now i keep it covered all the time wen im not using it.
yeh the crossfader on my vestax went after just a few month, im just gonna fork out and invest in something better now to save me money in the long run
take it to aitken on high bridge street and get them to replace the dead faders, think its about 20 quid a fader
not totally sure mate, ive heard the pcv vestax mixers are known for having crap faders which go eventually tho you get what u pay for really tho mate, im just gonna fork ut a bit on my next one, everytime i practice scratching it sounds like im tuning in a radio
The line faders are replacable. £230 for a set of faders though Might as well buy a new mixer at that price. @ the original question, put some fader lube on them, should cure it temporarily.