mission impossible 3 average as fuck, i could turn into 'BenC Norman' and give you a review of it but ill go as far as saying it was a bit of a let down when it needed more to it
One does agree, this had been built up quite a bit, a few good reviews etc., but the film is sub-standard. I recon Cruise has to start changing his role-type - bar from I think, Born On the Forth Of July and Int with the vampire all he plays is the cocky, loves to smile, too good to be true top boy who will always come good in the end. This routine was almost painfull to watch here. Philip Seymour Hoffman was then best bit by far - shame he did not get much screen time. ** out of five
have you actually seen any of tom cruises films, he plays lots of different roles. Vanilla sky and magnolia for instance
Just been to see it, I thought it was class, the action was well intense, it was just bosh bosh bosh all the way through, you didn't have time to not enjoy it.