missing cdr information?? Someone has done me a cd with loads of info on which they did at home. Yet when i insert the cd it comes up with the cd title and states its full 700mb or so yet no files appear in the explorer window?? They're not hidden checked that, and the files wont show on anyones machine i've tried, other than the person who burnt it originally. Why?? And is there anyway of retrieving them?
Re: missing cdr information?? they maybe havent finalised the disc when they burnt it, sometimes you can not read them in other cd drives untill its been finalised, although it will look fine on the one it has been burnt on.
ah that is a possiblity... its a multisession one... they did it in two separate parts. So if they left the cd 'open' for another it wont work. I've also just read as i noticed the file type was UDF, (they burnt the cd on their own laptop), that if u dont have a cdwriter on ya own comp it wont have a UDF reader therefore the files wont show.
My god!! LOL LOL Another case of women and technology!! She only went and formatted the blank cdr before she put the info on it!!! No wonder it had some random file system on it. Case solved.