Milly Dowler murderer from............ Sunderland apparently. After finding DNA evidence on milly's person at the murder scene and not being able to find a match on record, 18 months later they have found a match on a comunion cup in a church in sunderland. 46 DNA samples have been taken including the vicar's. Sunderland police are said to be certain that the killer is from the wearside area. The Surry police force have sent a small task force to sunderland to investigate the claims. I just hope they catch the sick fuck.
Re: Milly Dowler murderer from............ Why were they taking samples from a communion cup in the first place? Did they suspect the priest of being a perv?
Re: Re: Milly Dowler murderer from............ Was summint to so with a robbery and they were trying to link the robber's DNA to the stolen cup as they had used it, but instead the murderer of milly dowler had some how got there DNA onto the cup. Then when it wasn't one of the robbers DNA they started testing peeps who frequent the church. All the police can say about the DNA so far is that it is a male they are looking for.