Millionare Row How the fuck could they say there "Not Gulity" when that trial was going on ?? There more obvious than O J Simpson ! Laughable i say
They got the coding wrong. 1 Cough for guilty, 2 coughs for not guilty. Someone sneezed and it all went pear shaped! :spangled:
That was shockingly obvious! How they can say they plan to appeal, I do not know. The Major was obviously thick for a start and his wife gave the game away bcos she just looked so uncomfortable throughout. And, as for the other guy, he couldnt be discrete to save his life! Hang them all!
it's soooooo blatantly obvious... like school kids cheating in an exam... but i 'spose they've got to keep up the pretence that they didn't really do it...
Maybes!!!, i think u could get away with it, by maybes using some other foam of communication, don't know what like!!!, cause last nite was ridiculous.........cough...........HOW OBVIOUS!!!!!!! U think he would hav got away with it if he hadnt won the million????????
i just cant take anything seriously said by bashir after the jackson interview... u might as well have the iraqi info min up there *coff... no!!* - the bird sat behind the majors wife was fit anyways.. most enjoyable to watch one more thing.. u think anyone else has cheated b4 and got away with it?...
AGREED!!!, started to get very obvious after that question!!!, but he just got greedy, and that wife looked more nervous than he did and she wasnt even playin!!!!! Definetley needs to find a good clothes shop cause that top was ill, and he wore it on both nights.............TRAMPY!!!!!, or what!!!!
strange.. my post is after urs.. but it has a quote in it... :spangled: umm.. if he wud of stopped @ £64k he probs wud of gotten away with it.. after that he was funked. if he did get away with the money.. he needed a stylist and to throw away that asda 'george' store card
yes the stuck up older lady who was first to win the million... fixed i say! else people would have got bored if no one won the million...
the americans have it right... there first winner using his phone a friend lifeline to tell his mate he'd won. now thats television.