Millionaire trial - all guilty Cheating bastards! They should show it on TV now and let us decide via phone votes. They'd make loads!
how long has that taken?? I could have told u that the next day and saved all the legal fees, it was blatently obvious! Pisses me off how its been drawn out over a month, or however long it was!
it took 11 and a bit people, four weeks to work out they cheated, when it took me, and loads of others probably the best part of 3 mins after hearing the full story to decide they d been cheating. What a bunch of fuckin muppets, damn I hadnt finished reading the article and had made up my mind...
but then, even after the first time I heard about it, they went on to say the major wasn’t exactly the cleverest of people. He repeated the answers of all the questions… he even messed up a couple of the easier questions. Luck n coincidences I don’t think! Glad they did eventually work it out though (ten people and 3 1/2 weeks too many), would have been even more pissed off if they d got away with it!
wasn’t there some story that the first person to win it (that older woman) may have been a conspiracy as well, as it had been a while since program had started, and people would get put off if no one won the million. then again, I guess whenever someone wins a million quid, people will try and twist it cos of jealousy etc.