Migraine Anyone else suffer from it ?? ... i need some advice !! In the last year or so i've started getting attacks fairly frequently. I don't get the flashing lights but i do get the other symptoms quite bad. I've been to the docs and all they could recommend was to take paracetamol as soon as i feel the headache and sickness coming on. As a result I have now become a paracetamol junkie which can't be doing my already damaged liver much good Any advice on medication other than paracetamol as it doesn't seem to work anyway ????
there's special tablets for migrane. Migralieve I think they're called. There's pink tablets and yellow tablets. You take one when you feel it coming on and the other colour if it gets worse. They're meant to be more effective than paracetamol. That's what i used to take anyway. Not sure how effective they were though as I used to get horrendous migranes where I was sick/ couldnt stand up cos the room was spinning too much and there were weird patterns in front of my eyes
I get them, but luckily they're very infrequent. My friend who's not so lucky uses the migraleve tablets with the two different kinds of pills in the pack. You take a yellow one when the attack starts, and if that doesn't help you take one of the pink tablets. You can pick them up over the counter at a chemists, hope this helps.
I started getting migraines over Christmas too Ive never had pain like it in my head and I was ill for about 2-3 weeks, with one every day. My doc was crap aswell and gave me Paramax or something which just sounds like Tampax so I cant take it seriously. Hope your ok, cos they arent nice at all