men are shit Media Image Of Men & Women all true man = /abuser/useless. Watch adverts tonight, see how many positive portrayals of men you spot
We aint shit we just portray ourselves as lesser beings as to make women feel better about themselves as they are the real inferior beings.
the growing rate of males with severe inferiority complexes. i wondered for a while what could possibly be causing the population to become so mentally weak - are we just 'weaker' than our ancestors? this at least offers a viable 'excuse' if you will. (BTW - im by no means suggesting this is the truth, just it's one of the first things ive seen which suggests what could actually be causing it. ) very interesting.
Well i can happily state that i would rather sit and think than watch a soap. Hell i would probably rather attempt to headbutt my tv's screen through than watch a soap. :groovy: