take 2 photos with photo id, pay £5. Then you get card that gets you £1 every week. worth it if you go alot or more then 5 times
not me. i did take my driving licence and one photo with me to get it, but you need two photos. i'm not really bothered about it now, you only get a pound off every week, not really worth the hassle of going to get photos taken. are they even still doing it, i've never seen them doing it for a while. what made you bring this up anyways mate. are you just bored. the board is canny quiet today like.
A big fuss was made about getting the membership scheme going, but it doesn’t look like many people have joined. Yeh you only save a pound, but it cud be up to £50 a year and they did do free to members nights last year
I got mine. Though that was under the belief that id get £2 off a week, there would be some free members events and drinks offers would only be offered to members. Suppose its still worth it though as i probs go about 30 times a year.
happilly us freeloadin students get the same off with nus , so i haven't got one. tho free to members doesn't apply to us
it doesn't apply to anyone anymore. last night should of been free to members like last year. Mark is just getting too greedy
I don't like membershp schemes, you never get anything back really when you think about it. People at Sundis sign up so they get their super duper memership card, that's all Tidy FC, i wasn't a fan when that started up, again, all the members care about is getting their tidyfc.com email address, again to look cool
i like my super duper membership card thanku very mooch tidyfc.. i was a bit wary of it when it first started.. as £20 is a lot... but u do get ur moneys worth now in imo... expesh with all the 10% discount in the tidy store.. u can get vinyls for £2 this week im not a memeber yet but will probs become one