Me Borfda'! Just to let every1 know that this saturday is me borfda'! I'll be playin at Naughty at EC from 7pm then having a bit of a PAAARTY back at mine afta Naughty finsishes. Not quite gonna be on the scale of last year (e.g I'm not putting a coach on) but if u's fancy a jaunt to bedlington for an all nighter (and possibly all dayer) then u's are welcome. So come down on Saturday and call me an old bastard....I dare ya!
I'll see ya down at Naughty m8. It's my 21st the morra!!!!!!! And I will be callin' u an old bastard All the best!!!
Happy birthday for sat mate! ill probs be at EC not too sure if ive met you before so ill come say hello
Wont be able to make it up as i am working, and i know it will be hard, but try and enjoy ya night without me.
just get yersel's down tomorrow... cheap drink, 2 quid entry...everyone you know up for a laff...ness's birthday, something to do on a saturday rather than stop in!!
i'm gonna be there, should be a laugh set times Fizz?? I'm going Dig with craig, what's plans for after?
set times: Ness : 7 - 8.15 Marty V : 8.15 - 9.30 Fizz n Mik B2B : 9.30 - midnight afterwards.........back to 30 balmoral!! all invited...all night, all day! u know the good old times. maybe not a cahoot, but its one of those rare occasions.
all the best mate!! hope u have a goodun! cant make it to naughty!! probs see u down there some other time! have a goodun, dont get too fucked!! ahh what the hell its ur birthday!!