Mcd's What time do they open on a morning? Early start tomorrow, I want an egg mcfuffin and 2 bacon rolls before I start! It's defo 6am isn't it?
Most of maccy d's breakfast scares me! In fact a lot of it does anyway....its the eggs! Scary. Hash browns though are good
I love eggs! I only just tried an egg mcmuffin the other day tho, and liked it, the sausage is horrible though!:sick: Hate hash browns, onions!:sick:
HAV U SEEN THE PRICES OF GREGGS NOW? in manchester they didnt kna what stotties were! i was like what, ure greggs for fuck sake
Macdonalds is wrong. last time i was there, i could actually taste the grease in my double cheese burger, was nearly sick! never going back again
thing is tho that supersize me and has realy put me off all that stuff! id rather get a sarnie freshly made, not from subway coz i aint rich, just a noraml sandwich shop
See the film tonight on Ch4 ... Supersize me ... it's about a guy who ate nothing but McDonald's meals for a month as an experiment to see what effect it would have on his health. I bet everyone can guess the result
its a northern thing and shud stay up here, at one point wallsend had teh stage of having 3 greggs in the forum a small shopping center all withing 30 secons walk of each other very gud for 12 year old mums they will be pushing there pram along eating a pasty while the brat in the buggy will be tearing apart a sossage roll