maybe obvious questions about technics.. 1> whats the difference between 1200s and 1210s? 2> what does the pitch reset button on the new mk3s do?
Re: maybe obvious questions about technics.. 1210's r better the button when pressed keeps it at the original speed no matter where it is on the pitch
no im not joking, i dont understand what u mean by saying u press the button and the picth stays still?
there is no difference between 1200's and 1210's. 1200s are silver (and nicer) 1210s are grey thats it. the pitch reset button does fukk all usefull really
so if its at +8 then u press it it'll go to zero so you get another 8%? i'm well confused, fuck me i know what its like to be glitter
Difference between 1200's and 1210's = colour and model number, thats it.....and price usually. Tue pitch reset is just as it says really, resets the pitch back to 0. So no matter where the pitch is currently at - press this button and its straight back to 0.
The "Pitch Reset" button is just for lazy cunts ! Theres a difference of colour between the 1210's and the 1200's and thats it ! Am more than happy with my 1200's
I ALWAYS said that i would get Vestax but because my 1200's were slightly cheaper than normal and hardly used then i thought it best that i purchase them ! I suppose i cant really argue considering they look the dogs bollocks, have been the dogs bollocks and go class with my whole other setup ! All i have to do now is learn to DJ :spangled: