[May 1, 2011] Dada Present - Return to the Rooftop (Newcastle upon Tyne)

Discussion in 'Going Out' started by Geoff Leotard, Mar 21, 2011.

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  1. Geoff Leotard

    Geoff Leotard Registered User

    Jan 21, 2008
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    Dada present
    'Return to The Rooftop'
    Bank Holiday Late Night Outdoor Party

    Due to popular demand, we're going back upstairs and outside to throw our second Roof Top party at the Globe.

    This event is truly the only of it's type on Newcastle.
    There is nowhere else in the city centre where you can party completely outside, until the early morning.

    Last year was amazing, but don't take our word for it, just ask anyone who was there.

    Once again we're enlisting the services of the Left Luggage set design company, so expect another amazing transformation of your surroundings.

    Music, as ever, will be provided by Last Waltz.

    We'll see you outside!!!

    "The RoofTop"
    The Globe
    Railway Street
    (next to the Arena)

    Last Waltz
    + Decor and Styling by Lost Luggage

    Bank Holiday Sunday
    May 1st
    11.00 - 3.30am
    £6 entry
    Advance tickets available and advised

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