Marmalade Why isnt it called orange jam? im sorry for the dumb question and the stupid thread, but its been annoying me all week, and saying as we have so many smart arses on here, i thought one of you is bound to know!! and this is a serious thread!!!!!!
i think its got something to do with they originally made it with a fruit called a marmalade, however i may be completely usual
freak Main Entry: mar·ma·lade Pronunciation: 'mär-m&-"lAd Function: noun Etymology: Portuguese marmelada quince conserve, from marmelo quince, from Latin melimelum, a sweet apple, from Greek melimElon, from meli honey + mElon apple -- more at MELLIFLUOUS Date: 1524 : a clear sweetened jelly in which pieces of fruit and fruit rind are suspended
Did u know Paddington was from Peru, kinda of a weird name for a peruvian i think... Especially calling a bear after a London Train Station, yeah im gonna call my pet King Cross...