Mario Kart Wii I know someone did a thread on this a few weeks ago but just got a lend of it. Awesome banter! Brings back memories of the N64
Aye fun game. I still think Excite truck is by far the best racing game as far as single player goes.
aye tis a class game like!, good how they've got old levels in from previous mk games n all, cannit get me head round using that wheel tho
Do u drive? What do you use to steer a handle or buttons? It's hardlys rocket science kidda.... Unreal game, granted the wheel is a proper ££ spinner its still adds fun to it.
You wanna take your wheel back mate mine deffo doesnt float? Your meant to keep a hold of it, unless your posting from space?
Wey aye. the wii wheels are a piece of shit i dunno why they cant make them to a higher quality than a christmas cracker toy.