Map Reading I wish to god i could read maps or even work out what regions of scotland these places are.... knoydart, fortwilliam, Crainlarich, oban & isle of arran i'm trying to find places to go for new year (Kens idea, but get the p.a. to sort it) & its canny hard to do this when i don't know which region or area of scotland they're in!
Use multimap, type in the place your looking for and it should give you everything you need
see men are so much better with maps than women! looking again at this today.... i reckon a nice little self catering place will be best cos they'll b nowhere open to eat on ny day & i can cook us up a storm & it'll b romantic except when i keel over at the top of the mountain of a heart attack! :sick: but where is the next question...i quite like arran because i've found loads of places we might be able to stay already! but it depends on if we can get there by ferry or not! :think:
Head to Speyside in the Highlands, go somewhere near Aviemore... lots of lush hotels n bnb's, and the scenery is breathtaking My home away from home
Ken worked at glenmore lodge last summer so i got to see aviemore then! i think we're going to try self catering cos eating out over new year goes up especially when theres not many other places to buy food from open! i likes the look of arran cos of the views!
well don't! Ken gave me a list of places to look at but i made him narrow it down cos i've been searching for places to stay for weeks now with no luck what so ever! there is too many choices but then how close is it to where we want to be is the next thing!
thanks claire! pike shad up... might not be your ideal but if its as romantic as th elakes was for valentines weekend then it'll b worth it! (well except the dying of a heart attack feeling i get when i excerise)
ruth have u been to skye? thats lovely for scenery aswell, most of the north of scotland is really nice esp in winter
nope but i'll probs get to visit there in the next few yrs! we're trying to keep to mountains closest to the north east cos Kens driving to mine from london, then to where ever we go then back to mine then back up to scotland to start his job!
i'll have words with wor Kenneth to see what he heads been battered by all the searching i've been doing so i'm leaving it to him as he's off work tomorrow!
if i did that i'd either b staying in a tent or a bunk house! neither of which i'm prepared to do so i've told him to find the links & then send them to me so i can look & book it up! means it'll b at least half decent place where we end up staying! also means i can find the place i think looks the prettiest & make him drive me there... "home James, home" I really wanna go to Iona island at some point... where bouts in scotland is that??