Madonna - Frozen A mate of one of my mates does some production. My mate managed to get a fairly famous trance dj to listen to a few of them. He particularly loved this track and sent it on to a more famous trance dj (sorry cant reveal names at the min). Its a remix of Madonna - Frozen. Download it and have a listen. I think its v good (especially as hes just 17). Let me know what you all think of it?
Im the mate who has the mate that orbit was talking about Its top class shit eh - and he's done tons more! Lets hope he goes far
We asked and we got I was just telling orbit that it sounds like it was just stolen from Armins record bag - really professional! - Frozen (Echano's%20Thawed%20Vocal%20Mix).mp3
Dunno why its done that like. :spangled: It hasnt underlined the whole address. If u just cut and paste the entire address and stick it in the bit a the top of the page, that should do it.
Aye - copy the whole thing into your address box and hit return - that should work... for some reason its not underlining the whole thing.