Love Would you rather have loved and lost or not loved at all?? Sounds random I know, but there is a point to it
Thats funny, because I was thinking about that last night, just popped into my head all of a sudden, defo loved and lost
Better to have loved and lost....but once youve gotten over it of course. The bit where youve lost it ... i wouldnt hope that feeling on anyone ... aside from my ex!
ive just been put in the position of loved and lost, and it hurts like hell, but am glad i had the time with her i did, just makes you think back on things, as in could i have done things differently n stuff
defo loved and lost it does hurt like hell, depends how u split up coz some situations hurt u alot more than others but no matter how many times u hear it u know in time it will get better.
very much agree with that!!!!! it just doesnt feel like it can get worse now so suppose things can only get better
there will always be a 1000 "what ifs" - it happens in all aspects of life and death... don't dwell on the what ifs - try look to what is to come to help u feel better.....
when i finished with my first serious boyfriend who treat me like shit it still felt like the end of the world thought nothing was never gonna get better!!!!! but as time goes on you start to realise so much and i totally learned from it and found someone so much better deffo loved and lost... but as fran said i intend on keepin this one for a while
i know what you mean and i think i would find it easier to deal with had one of us treat the other like shit, but there was none of that, we had the most amazin times together, never had an arguement in the 4 mths i was with her, just makes it more difficult to deal with
ive been with stu nearly a yr and has been lush god dont get me started i'll be here all day like if i lost him i donno what i'd do, sorta my best friend as well as my boy so means the world to me lifes to short to hold grudes and wait for someone to come back to you, its best to try and forget i know its so hard and it will hurt for ages christ im nearly in tears cause i know you'll be feeling fukin horrible!!! just try to remember the good times
I was in love with a girl when i lived in the States, but i had to leave her to move here I've only seen her twice in 6 years
likewise, in the time i was with her we became such good friends as well as lovers, n now to let a friend go aswell as a lover is so hard, but i suppose thats what comes with relationships
Im undecided on this one. Loving him and being loved back was the most fantastic feeling in the world. But not being loved by him is the worst feeling in the world Hopefully one day i will fall in love with some1 and he wont leave me. but unlikey.
ohhh gawwd. This is a sensitive subject for me at the moment. Am in such an awkward situation i dont know what the fk to do
Thats true... I think memories are lethal tho. Specially when you've just broke up with someone.... but life goes on!!!
Can memories actually kill you? Ive had to give all my photos of him to a mate to hang onto for the time being because i was spending every evening crying over them Anyone have any tips for moving on? cos i keep being told to but i love him and its hard.