Lost My Phone!!!! At Global, wasn't too bothered at the time as was just enjoying it too much. Neway lost it sumwhere at the beach. I've got insurance, just woderin if it'l cover me 4 that. And if not...what to tell them 'supposedly' happened Any help??
don't tell them you lost it there as u'll get a swift couple of fingers & a poke in the eye for your troubles & no new mobile!
Be careful how you phrase it, they don't like people who loose it, and if you say you were mugged you'll have to give them a crime reference number from the police. I can see it now: You: "Hi i've lost my phone." Phone Company: "Ok, and how did that happen sir?" Y: Well, i was well mashed @ a major festival and got so battered didn't realised i'd lost it.: PC: Bbbbbbbbbooooooooooooooooopppppp (dial tone) Good Luck
Re: Lost My Phone!!!! :tut: haha remember when some random asled to borrow ur fone aswell wen we were sat outside the global tent "erm yeah if u go find it its over on the beach somewhere"
Re: Re: Lost My Phone!!!! I wuold never take a phone to a festival again after mine got nicked at last years Global.
was funny at the time bud, u were looking for it all over!!!, and then u just couldnt be arsed and we all went to see armin!!!
yeah he ran off looking for it and someone asked where he was i dunno who it was but then they went someone ring him see where he is
Worth it tho Certain people kept fookin rubbin it in on the way bak tho....(Purvy, Murray) 'Daz, can I borrow your phone?' 'Fook off!!'