Lost electroybreaksyhouseydubsteppy mix

Discussion in 'DJ Mixes' started by G.H., Nov 13, 2006.

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  1. G.H.

    G.H. newcastlebeats.com

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Lost electroybreaksyhouseydubsteppy mix

    Just found this on my harddrive from a while back... not perfect which is probably why I never uploaded it back then but now I don't really care.

    1. Hydraulix - Robocop (Touchin' Bass)
    2. Bitstream - Codex (Modern Love)
    3. ScanOne - Every 7th Bullet - Ardisson VIP Mix (Combat Recordings)
    4. Dr. Evil - Temporary (Touchin' Bass)
    5. The Dexorcist - Africadub (Dirty Needles)
    6. Warlock - Cross-breed (Rag n Bone)
    7. Ricardo Villalobos - Zu Fruh (Playhouse)
    8. Zero DB - Bleeps, Beeps and Bongos(??)
    9. Vex'd - Killing Floor (Planet Mu)
    10. FZV - Assimilator (Rag and Bone)

    http://mixes.newcastlebeats.com/mixes/GH-Lost Electro-y_Thingy.mp3
  2. 1615634792921.png

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