loosing me job found out 2day im getting paid off, he has sed i can work till the end of this month so i hav cash n that for teh festive period and gives me a bit breathing space 2 find another job prolly gunna hav 2 go back on the tools but really dont wanna dunno what sorta jobs i can go for any1 help me also i need a cv im a level 3 qualified joiner got me fork lift truck licence's good with me hand and can work under pressure and hav imaculate refrences from the only 2 jobs ive ever had
was working for my lasses step dad as a warehouse opritive and learning the running of the warehouse and driving the fork lift
Isn't this the second job you've been laid off from since you've been posting on here? Could it be that you're as much a knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing, racist spastic in real life as you come across as on here?
yes it is but this one was through no fault of my own and 2 jobs in 4 years isnt bad considering ive did me apprentaship also racist spastic = IM HAPPY 2 BE CALLED THAT
I can send you my CV via email if you need to see how to lay it out etc? Obviously, you'd have to change it to suit whatever job you were going for.
So you've been getting paid peanuts to be put through your apprenticeship, then mugged off when they have to pay you grown up's wages?
if u care 2 belive that then u can, where as i hav been on many a job earning top whack, and the job i am in at ath eminute that im getting paid of has decent wages
Ill have an ask about at work see if theres out going if you fancy being back on the tools like mate. What didnt you like about it?
just remembering everything i was good at the job if i had sum1 telling me what needed 2 be dun i cud just do it u know but remebering everything i kept forgetting loads
ah right aye I know what you mean, how about working in a joiners shop? dunno if theres much call for it like?
im gunna apply for a kitchen fitter ive dun 3 or 4 in my time and there quite tricky but same as anything u learn as u go