Look at us poor cunts Think of Kar51, Geordie, Glitter Angel and everyone else clubbing their tits off Not fair, ive just came home from the local and the party's just starting at foundation
never heard him play, could be good, but the name brings a distintc smell along with it Is SI not there? (senior chem Si)
I like Julsey You can't whack a bit of cheese now & then... he was the reason I first went to crasher ya know
i was out in newcastle with spitroast and rach and goalking and some others, couldnt afford promnise tho damn student loan dont come thru til monday!
lol, well im not too keen on Jules so im not too fussed, im skint as a bitch anyway! Went to see 8Mile last night, its absolutley class, go and see it!