little help plz just wonderin if u peepz cud help wif this work im doin. as part of me assignmet im researchin club stereotypes, the different kinda ppl ud meet at clubs and wot nites music-wise ud find em at. example - at trance n hard house nites ud hav cyber kids, house nites ud find funkys etc. these are the obvious ones. im hopin 4 bowt 3 or 4 different types of clubber 4 the followin styles of music.. Trance/Hard house House/Garage Breaks Techno im not even sure if 3/4 different types of clubber exist but any help wud b appreciated, cheers. .
ummmm try hards funkymonkeys cybers beer boys? duno m8.. try lookin on that post that smartE put up a while ago about stereotypes or that one on 'which one are u'
Don't forget, you will always get people like me! I don't fit into a stereotype and go to clubs that play various types of music because I just love the sounds...I'm not even bothered about clubbing - just the music.
garage... used to be absolutely immense in London!!! peeps who were into it... as technofish put it, as lot of them were wiggaz... it had a large asain/black/jewish following... gold chains and rings were a plenty... some where even not to disimilar to ali g...