little bastards broke into my car they smashed door locks, stole my multi changer...all my CD's my mini disc recorder that I stupidly left in the glove box, my prada hat. the broke all my dash board. they nicked loads of demo CD's I have had from some v/good DJ's, stupid bastard left my sunglasses and some other personal stuff that would be worth quite a bit, all that mess is going to cost over £2000 to replace and repair, all for a £20 hit from the brownbag little cunts...outside my own house, they done another car too, same thing there
i fucking h8 lil cunts like's just very unfortunate that there are scumbags out there like that.......... personally if they're caught u should b allowed to dish out there punishment.....i personally reccomend removing they're grubby lil thumbs with a pair of garden secetors.....
Oh dear. You not got motor insurance like? I had my MD walkman nicked out of my car once - it was covered by my house insurance (!!) - £50 excess later & I had a spanking new one - the old one was just about knackered anyway - RESULT!!! Pity they had to bend the passenger door out of all proportion to get in - they would've saved me some cash if only they'd doofed a window in (derrrrr!). Careful with yer gear in future man - and remember.... If you ever catch one of the ket munching little charver urchins, make sure you saw one of their arms off and say it's from me will yer?????
Re: little bastards broke into my car Exactly the same happened 2 me outside egypt cottage! FUCKING WANKA's i feel 4 u hun!
I had my car broken into a couple years back, they nicked a dam good collection of cds, cd changer, amp, Sub woofer. They left the head unit because i took the face off but still found time to cut all the wires behind it tho.