Lenham the Hebrew so which weekend you coming up? the first weekend in feb? or the james holden weekend? if youre up for holden no can do on BP, will be going to shindig- you know i like my morillo cheese.... going to BP the week after, boy kill boy are on
alkan yes....bulletproof no cos going down to leeds for the weekend for a night out with the rents...
But when are you coming to Liverpool epelepsy head? I miss you and maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaartin. (Apologies, I just needed to find a way of putting that in, I don't really.)
we are thinking a weekend in maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarch to come visit you and your AIDS riddled body.... feb is looking pretty booked up now....and as for the weekend you are up, i had already agreed to see the rents in leeeeeeeeeds..... miss you too tomarse.....
we have already done that now we are more voyeuristic, and we have cyber sex on message boards- we dont care who sees
no problem spastic head, not gonna do holden for fear of getting chinned by the likes of 'marce' or any of our other cyber friends... i'll deffo be up for alkan though, the tips are good