Legal Highs... Well I went out to see what they were actually like, here's a quick rundown of what I tried, all from : 1)"Dream Weed" Joint… tasted what I d imaged goat shit to taste like when smoked, got a very slight head rush, but that pretty much disappeared when I farted, the joint looked impressive, but u could hear the paper crinkling when u inhaled. 2)Druid Fantasy pills... "for a psycadelic high"... the only psycadelic effect it had was on my stomach, made me feel sick and forced me to go to bed, curled up in a ball, not feeling too pleasant... and lastly 3)"Opium Lettuce" Joint... after having the "Dream Weed" Joint, i took one smell of this joint, before lighting it, and pretty much retched, it didnt not smell nice at all, and would have possibly tasted like smoking a dried out slug, i threw it away... all in all, this wasnt a particularly enjoyable experience, and i pray that non of you lot feel the urge to try any of the above mentioned substances, your guinea pig, Ken
We once had some herbal pills on the way to sundiss. Herby they were called if I remember, they were black. They were OK actually felt a nice head rush for a while but they had worn off by the time we got in!!