Learninng Object Oriented programming in Java

Discussion in 'Technology' started by trance_fan, May 11, 2005.

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  1. trance_fan

    trance_fan Registered User

    Nov 7, 2002
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    Learninng Object Oriented programming in Java

    I suck at programming and I hate it :lol:

    I do a network computing course...it's the networking side of things I want to go into but theres a hefty amount of programming for reasons that I have no idea at all.....

    First year, piss easy. This year, rock hard C++ Object Development and I don't have a clue how to code it! Just handed in a shambles of an assignment which I will be lucky to pass.

    It will be a case of straight in at the deep end in the final year at an "advanced level which will make you an entry level industry standard programmer," so naturally I want to be prepared!!

    I am taking a years placement, so theres plenty of time :lol:

    Anyway, my point is, I need a decent book that will clearly explain stuff in an understandable manner that I can take in easily..stuff like coding inheritance etc etc. I have to choice about doing it so might aswell do it well.

    Suggestions? Sites, books, software etc etc

  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. blur

    blur Registered User

    Nov 23, 2003
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    I feel exactly the same way chris, i'm rubbish at OO design in Java, and have only managed to do well this year because 2 of my housemates are in the stage above me on the same course, hence they helped me with all the projects they did last year.

    I recently bought this book off amazon, got it used for quite cheap. It is a beginners guide and comes with a cd with loads of practical examples and stuff. Its the recommended text for my course. I hope it will teach me Java before my exam on the 26th :eek:

  4. Swana

    Swana Registered User

    Oct 14, 2002
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    I sympathise with you chris. I was in exactly same position.... I started on a computing science degree transferred after first year to information systems degree. Could not stand programming!!!

    I had to do Object Oriented Programming with Java, Blue J and all that shite. The basics were fine, but than at the end of the module they expected some program consisting of about 30 classes, sub classes bla bla. There was only ever about 10 hardcore coding geeks that ever completed em. Their source code was exchanged for many a pint in the union!! :lol:

    I wanted to go into the networking side of things, but there were still modules on programming. The best one was 3rd year, compulsory module Artificial Intelligence!! :eek:
    Coursework to design and write ya own dungeons & dragons game in Prolog or summat!! WTF!! :eek:
    And the lecturer some yanky tosser who'd been to Harvard couldnt understand why we werent all as good and excited about programming as he was!! :computer:

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