League of Gentlemen movie! Most of you probably don't care about it but I really really can't wait for this!!!!! http://www.uip.co.uk/leagueofgentlemen/index2.html I go on holiday the morning its released though! So I'll either have to wait a week to see it or travel to the nearest preview showing - in Manchester I think. They've just announced on Jonathan Ross that they are doing another live show tour later in the year too!!!!!!
I think its in Didsbury on the same night as Promise classics! WANK! FUCK! BOLLOCKS! BASTARD! TWELVETY! DAVEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! :bang:
The 2nd series was mint! The 3rd was a little too weird tho. The Xmas specials and live show were well funny too.
i hated how it took everyone else ages to "get into it", i got it from the first 30 seconds i watched it. does that make me a freak tubbs? (we didnt burn him)
If anyone is interested in the tour, u can get ur tickets early @ https://www.ticketzone.co.uk/venues.cfm?groupcode=MC071
You can watch the first five minutes here - http://www.rulocal.co.uk/?PID=0 I'm getting waaaay too excited about this! Got my tickets for the live show too! Yay!
R you fuck man it looks quality, uber sketchy madness you can't beat it. Think your getting to excited should have seen me yesterday, watching the Playstation 3 press conference, I had goosebumps all the way through cause I couldn't believe how sick it was.