Last night Hello People Met a few of yas from here for the first time last night, had mint night! U are all sound (few a bit crazy n all like!)
last night was unreal Quality crack (again) Really hurt me heel and knee tho. Ow mate, do ya wanna buy this rug?!?!
only with my help.... if i didnt have the idea of pinching it then i wouldnt have £1 in my pocket ha!!! btw, nice to c ya all last nyt!!!!!
LOL you's should have seen you's lot jumping all over the momument and nearly breaking into shop windows @ 1am this morning class
Its not working properly.. For some reason last night a few of us played "Pile on" (git grown up eh?!) Pike 5 star frog splashed me, my right knee was driven into the pavement. Didn't bother me last night, couldn't feel it tbh but it is now fucking knacking.
Go on Dan lad!! Is that Cas ridin ya? Have had the story this mornin off them like, Them two's grounded for the next Vuzz,tis my turn to get Vuzz'd