Last night Turnmills. How immense is that club, in every respect? In the 3 times I have been now, I have been nothing but impressed at every turn. Last night, Hybrid, G&D, Remy and GTR were spinning. More trancey sound than I am used to there - made a nice change, and showed the depth of the music policy. Left about half 6, so missed the second half of GTR's set. Hybrid was on when I arrived ( I think ;0 ), playing an impressive building breaks set, into G and D's proggy trance set (a lot more so than at Foundation ). Took a few hours out at this point to spiel unintelligably at Mark about "the identity of the north" and other such intricacies Back in the main room at about 5, caught the last hr of Remy. Some nice housey stuff getting played, kept the crowd on the floor packed, I was well into it By the time GTR came on, i was somewhat beyond caring, but from what I remember, the set was wel done, pumping trance material. Talked to the lad before his set, sound bloke, just an average guy really, no attitude His mate Ian Van Dahl was in attendance too. Overall - I really enjoyed the night, which, considering by the end I had been up 24 hrs, is a credit to The Gallery. Harry
I've been wantin to go there for years.. ever since I downloaded a set by pvd that was recorded there.. Where abouts is it? I know its down south somewhere..
another cracking night! was talking with Tania Mann last night, who is signed to armins label... christ she was fit! i gave her my business card spoke woth gtr for quite a while, totally sound guy! told him we all want him up at promise... he said he's working on it music wise... mint. nic fanculli in the backroom was great, hybrid was brilliant and g&d were soooo much better than last time... kept the pace up all their set which was my only criticsm from last time. Remy was totall class as wel... Seaman esque prog trance. gtr picked things up surprisingly even though he started at 6am.... played Mitosis! all in all another blinder. cheers for coming out harry - i made it in this time. Roll on promise!
Technically not a mate, I beleive IVD wanted to see his set? They were knocking around together, though... Harry