Last Night!! Nice 2 loads of people in attendence 4 this 1 I really don't were 2 start, was'nt who played were and when I'm sure sum1 else might fill in the gaps there!!! All i can say is i had a Wicked night Mike and Yves were superb!!!!
Pleased that you had a good night sonna. I wish that I could have afforded it!!!!!! Oh well the countdown to Yoji haas begun!!!!!!!!
Almost forgot Alrite Rob, nice 2 c u in Promise The Artist formally nown as SmartE is returning 2 the board, r so he tells me Confuzzled nice 2 meet u
Was an okay night, music was spot on after the warm up but I was fairly knackered off the night before so I left early! The one thing I noticed tho was quite a few complete cunts in last night, really annoyed me!
Yeah i was told there was a high number of twats in. But i didnt notice cos i was extremely pissed. I hope the door policy hasnt been loosened to try boosting numbers. MIKE and Yves were spot on and so was Tony before them. Top class. I left early cos i was so drunk i got the time wrong and thought it was 310 and walked out when it was in fact 210. They wouldnt let me back in. Doh!
Did you really think Tony's style fitted the night last night? I didn't, the music totally changed when MIKE and Yves came on....thankfully!
Spose he could have lifted hit up near the end but i enjoyed it. I was pissed and didnt notice any dramatic change. It just all sounded good.
Paul mate you were off it. Ive never seen anyone jump about with a big grin so much. Think i introduced you to Nat if i remember.
I wouldnt say that. I introduced u to The Spence though, so you would have a very high opinion of my introducing abilities. U were the person that first intoduced me to Hummel. Fair swap eh?
No. Leave it to the professionals in future. Introducing newbies to Hummel as an example of a Promise Peep could scar them for life and they may never return.
stop twisting when sum1's having a makes u look like the pathetic!!! in other words lighten up!!
ZZZZZZZZZZZZ Your still talking???? Mabeys it a joke when ya say summint once but when ya pick at everything someone says mabeys it stops getting funny, its just getting boring now.