Last Night!! Was'nt sure what 2 exspect. Rich played a Wicked set as ever then up steped Mr Bond, who played a really nice Trancy set did enjoy meself sorry 4 the lack of detail
Twas alright, nowt special though. Tulip - Average. Bond - Average.Didn't want to say that but it was!!!!!!!!
Re: Last Night!! expect. had an ok night, didnt stay too long, but it was nice to see ever1 again. it shocked me at how many people i didnt know where there, theres a whole load of new people!
hahahaha, i beleive thats the sound of me being shot down!!! well done nat!! nice to see u last night btw!
No cybers..... Why were there no cybers there last night? I felt like the only one there! Kept gettin loadsa wierd looks of all the beer boys 2... Richards set was a blinda, everytime I hear that guy he just keeps gettin better!