Last night. Was treat seeing some familier faces again..soz nass bout the CD coem and get it whenever. Soz we couldnt go back to ness's afterweards..shortage of money.Cheers anyway SI. Jeff youve got a bonnie looking lass attached there mate. (but your still a nutter) and everyone else....oh snaz..i met for the first time too.erm.. I fukkin hate doing these sloppy threads..but everyone ha to get a mention So hello everyone i havnt mentioned. Iam wrecked
Re: Last night. I love everyonnnnnnnnnnnnee Aye it was good to meet everyone, I think the people who went to Ness' are all cabbaged - his MSN is online but no one's coming to the computer. Oh well, must have been good! Its pissing me off i can't stay the full length of naughty, I have to leave at half 10 and get chatted up by 29 year old rat arsed muppets. I might start getting the taxi from now on
wow was a top night even tho i wasnt feeling too well (stupid tonsilitis n swollan glands ) but i stil enjoyed it! marty your set was amazing was great to hear you play again! same for the rest of the technoorgasm lot! natalie and mark was great to see you both, been ages since i last saw you, natalie looking very good top night! well done boys!
Re: Re: Last night. aint she canny! one of my good friends too! sorry i couldnt go down last night would have been great to meet some of u! feeling a bit shit this mornin like! fuck nahs what i was doin last night!