Laser Laws After we sorted a laser out the other night for Warp some one mentioned there were laws relating to where you can point a laser in a club ie it has to be pointing at a certain height and not in ppls faces . Any one heard of this and does any one have any more info ???
Found this trawling about on the net: Check out (Warning - PDF)
do you really think the council will raid cosmic ballroom cos the disco lasers are shining on the crowd. i think lazer snipers trying to blind pig chopper pilots may take prioity to TEAM LAZER
That depends on whether the afro gestapo are on maneuvers or not. If not, then it is safe to carry out the following: [ame=""]YouTube - IMMA FIREN MAH LAZAR[/ame]
yeah were not in the cosmic thank fuk but cheers any way i dont think we wil b paying much attention to that any way