Laptop Repairs The backlight has gone off on my laptop. Can anyone recommend any good Laptop repair places?
get one off ebay and fit it yourself. I've done it before and it's fairly easy. If you google the make/model of your laptop, you'll probably find some kind soul has done a guide on taking it apart. Total cost: £20 and a couple of hours labour
the backlight comes on at first but goes off after a minute or so. How do test if its the invertor board and not something else?
right i took the screen cover off to see how hard it would be to change the inventor board and the back light has came back on. Does this mean it could be a loose wire or bad solder somewhere?
it could be a loose wire. Try fiddling round with the connections and see if it makes anything better.
right i thought i had fixed it. so i shut down the machine down and closed the laptop. left if for a short while and then turned the laptop back on. the back light did not work, i therefore removed the screen cover again and the backlight came on. i played about with the wires to see if it affected the back light in anyway and nothing happened. I've put the screen back together again and it seems to be working as it did before.... strange so i don't think its a loose wire as i can close and open the screen and it doesn't go off atm its working fine atm but i'm guessing its gonna go off again as soon as i shut the laptop down?
i replaced the inverter as a i thought it might be that, now there is no image on the screen. looks like i'm gonna have to invest in a new screen... doh
I dunno if any1 can help me here, but, i've just bought a new laptop, and as u all know usually underneath ur lappy on the left hand side theres a grid for ur cpu cooler to suck in air, then blow it out the back/side etc. Well i've just realised mine does have the grid but with not 1 fucking hole drilled/cut into it it looks almost like a mistake. Theres a pretty big vent on the left hand side of it, and 3 small vents undernearh the laptop in the centre, but thats just where the memory is etc, cant be where the cooler draws in air, i've msg packard hell just to make sure, but i can see this going back, never ever saw a laptop with no cooler vent underneath Unless you have?
Yeah it's supposed to have a vent on the back left side. I would take a pic and send it to Packard's tech support or take it back to where you got it from.
Fuck , i mean it runs fine even when on for hours on end, there is a vent on the actual left hands side of the laptop, just none underneath where the cpu cooler is. I have saw laptops without them b4, but i dunno, still doesnt seem rite. But i'll take it into dixons as thats where i got it n check out there display model see if thats the same. EDIT:: JUst msg someone on youtube blabbing about the same laptop, he says his has the cpu cooler grid with no holes in aswell, said hemsg packard bell ages ago n according to them it's because it has a slick new cooling system thank christ lol