lad who i know jam"e"tron of this board was spiked with LSD and there's a lad on the north east news just been telling of his story when he was spiked looks as if he was in some state could'nt sort his head out for weeks had to stay on a phsyciatric(sp) ward and when he was admited he thought the doctors and nurses were there to kill him. i've been spiked before j with pills and whizz and the buzz was sound and saved me a bit cash but it goes to show drugs effect people in different way's even if you know what your taking never mind if you don't any one else ever been spiked and what was your experience from it??
jamie was fucked like lol At least he'll have a good story about 'back in the day' to tell in the years to come. :groovy:
what marc says fucking hell me and my mate who's fatha used to sell whizz but never touched it for over 20 years spiked him in his cup of tea, not much like about a fiver wrap thing is he had greyhounds he could'nt get to sleep so ended up taking the dog's for a walk about 5 in the morning when there usual walk was due around 8 o'clock they also got there 8 o'clock walk also
I think we all were Never been spiked but one of my mates were and apparently it was awful. His mates put a loads of pills in a bottle of water without him knowing. He necked it had a funny turn, his mates dumped him outside A&E for the nurses to find him. The doctors.nurses treated him like shite as if he was an abuser or something the poor little bastard