Kutskis new mixtape Got it this morning, and my word is it good! Its harder than most of the stuff i usually listen to, but i though it was class. Anyone else get one?
there's a tune on there i've been wanting to know the name of for ages - it's the 2nd tune, (well, 3rd bit, inc the the intro) william daniel and barry connell have both played it at Junior Ga while ago, just b4 the hard version of 'dark side of the moon' on that kutski mix it's crackers
Aye it is the heavy user one. The packaging is rather humorous aswel 'This promotional drug awareness mix CD was compiled, mixed and scratched by DJ Kutski and 'Free United Kingdom of Drugs' incorporating 'British Opposition to Metabolically Bisturbile Drugs' F.U.K.D. and B.O.M.B.D.
sound class this like, the dark side of the moon remix in really good anyone see kutski b2b with alex kidd at trees ?
Thought this cunt was al hardcore nd shit but am wel mistaken. likin this a lot! wud go down a treat at junior lyk... no question!
fuck , this mix is mental - love it for a bit of bosh now and again - missed him this weekend hope he's back up here soon and i'm allowed to play out!