kidulthood anyone seen this? i watched it last night (after prim's recommendation) and i thought it was class, really enjoyed ended up buying it on DVD today lol. the sequel adulthood os out on friday i shall deffo be heading off to see this!!!
Aye I watched it a while ago, bought it off that oriental bloke who gets in mondo's & can only say 4 for ten pooond. Thought it was mint aswell.
Thanks to everyone paying TV licence you can watch it here for free.. good quality stream too.
watched this over the weekend - pretty good flick once i worked out what the fuck they were saying (made me feel a bit old)
Just watched this, very impressed!!! Aml Ameen, 'Trife', is a cracking little actor!!! Fancy catching the sequel now.
it is mate it just follows on from where this one left off, Sam gets out of jail after charged with manslughter of trife and the plot thickens. well worth a watch