just when things could'nt get any worse http://home.skysports.com/list.asp?hlid=375926&CPID=8&clid=&lid=2&title=Emre+unsure+over+future
i don't think he's been brilliant for us tbh... he has been medioca (sp) with the odd flash of greatness not the signing he promised to be along with luque
He's been canny really. Better than most of the others we've got. He's shown he can play well too, unlike the likes of Luque.
He's been ok, but not amazing. If he's got an attitude like that though get him shipped out. He's only played half the games or something, so he hasn't done that much to help us! He's know's we've had MAJOR players missing aswell.
i think we play far better when he'd on the pitch, it'll be a loss if he goes cos it means we'll probably have to sign someone else from scratch and it'll take them probably a season to fit in
if we used tha texcuse everytime we'd have a squad of awesome players who are always injured tho i'm alreet ta ya scotty dog