Just thought i'd jump on the bandwagon! Cos there always seems to be aloud of people who are in invisble mode. Not sure why so i thought i would become one of em
*SLAP* what have I told you? Don't do things just cos other people do. Make your own mind up instead of following the trend Long way to go you still have young jedi
I did it because I thought it would make me feel better for not seeing my name all over the screen when I was at work, but it didn’t
were you? good lad I dunno why people do that either, seems bit creepy to me un all. so explain someone pls, the attraction of being invisible on here. Ken, you'll do. Stand up and tell the class why you're invisible
Reason why I went invisible was because when I came on the board to have a quick rosey while I was busy. If people saw me on here, then I would get them privating me on msn when im busy or away when Im busy or away for a reason. I just havent been arsed to change the settings since
a rosey??? I fookin hate it when ppl butt in when I'm busy/away on MSN, I've got it like that for a reason ya stupid gimps and its not so I can have a chat when I'm at work with someone I barely know and like even less about if I'm gonna get off me nut at Promise this week :evil: :evil:
soz, having SHITE day, make that week. I'll be ok soon as I get home. gonna have big fat :chill: in the garden
no, I lied Si, I aint sorry, its not like I get the chance to chat to you or see you every other day, im gonna say ello whether ure busy, away, or having a dump
well, im sure if u said hello to him when he was havin a shit he would be more than slightly surprised
next friday for fergie and take that can't wait, gonna be mint and I'm gonna gan completely radgy, just for old times sake :groovy: