Just Got In... Well by now, you should know that I always make one of these posts after Promise! Well, I had to work first, and so didn't get there until around 11:30, meaning I caught none of Richard's set, and a small bit of Kerry's. Rob Tissera though, played an absolute blinder! I kept saying to everyone all night "He'd better play 'Over 4 Me'!". Went a little off it when he played it. Erm, met a few new ppl tonight, Clarky (M.O.M), Cogan & Nat (cheers for the CD mate ). Oh, and I finally met Mark, albeit a little brief. Thatw as my last Promise until Trees next month, and I must say I'm well looking forward to it. All in all, a good night, I say GET TISSERA BACK!
TOP NIGHT!! The music played by Tiessera made a change from the normal stuff, very good to hear. Olive - your not alone (oakey mix) was class, I haven't heard it before as it was out before my time. Mark-PROMISE - that was me you waved to near the end on the stage, in case you didn't know I don't know who the guy in the red top on the stage was, but he knows how to move his arms with different tunes (if that makes sense?) - he was constantly doing it to the right of the stage. Allie - you're a mad cunt. Cogan - you need to start smiling more you always look well fed up! Geordie have a good one at crasher tonight... was good to see you again. Karl stop hitting me. Vandenburg - I never met you Ministry of Mongo - a little quiet later on? I met a female Nat and said thankyou for wishing me a happy birthday at the start of the month, but i'm not sure if it was the right Nat since the one on this board has a male avatar... This was also my last night before Goodgrief Vs Talltrees - and this will be the first time I've travelled out of Newcastle for clubbing, then i'm out for SHOKK ! Top Night! I'M SO TIRED :groovy:
Yet aagin i went and yet again left early..... Not music to me that like - would of liked to have seen Richards set earlier on but Tissera isnt my cuppa
Oh shit. I told some random Nat person 'thankyou for wishing me a happy birthday' I saw a picture of her in the photo's section and it said Nat so that's why I was assuming... Who's the dunce? Dunce Dunce Dunce Dunce
It was a class night!! shame about the smells Tissera was well good aint seen him b4 and he didnt fail to impress!! Met a few more ppl last night......... Nass - met u eventually Allie (over 4 me was quality) Geordie (only spoke to you briefly) and im sure there was a few more!!
I was rather impressed by Mr Tissera's set, did'nt get till 12:30 but still a class night none the less Nat can b short 4- "Nathan" r in my case "Nathaniel"