John 00 flemming...opinions? I thought he was great. I usually go to Shindig on Saturdays but decided to come down for a friday. I was plesaantly surprised, the warm up DJ played some very nice prog/tech house and Flemming followed with some good trance. Ended with Synathesia.....brilliant. For those who went, what did you think? was a bit dead wasnt it, compared to saturdays which are packed with people, but at least sweat wasnt dripping from the rafters into my face Overall, great night, really enjoyed it and will come again. later
it was amazing, 00 fleming knows how to impress the crowd, im not a big prog fan, well wasnt a prog fan but i thought ill give him a try because id heard good comments about his style! everything i was told was right and even better than waht id exspected! shame bout the crowd in a way, but there is one good thing when promise isnt empty, theres more room to dance!
well as i said on the other thread - he was totally mint....honestly i would rate him above the times ive seen Picotto and PVD at promise aswell... I cant work out why it wasnt very busy, see'ing as it was payday for everyone Make sure you all go next time!