Jimmy Carr Has anyone seen his stand up show before? We're going to see him on Saturday and I don't really know what to expect, I've only ever seen his TV shows lol
Ive never seen him but hes meant to be proper blue as fuck. Nothing at all like he is on tv, which is a good thing.
i went to see him at the city hall a couple of years ago and he was class, quite scripted but still really funny he will have you thinking "how the fuck does he get away with it" lol another thing you should hope their are one or two pissed up idiots in the gig with you, the way he handles hecklers is amazing its as if he has put them there and told them what to say cos his comebacks are so quick and funny
He absolutely class. Really close to the wire and rinses the fuck out of everyone. I'm surprised some of the people who heckle him (when he's encouraging it) dont end up starting on him with some of the stuff he comes out with Completely reccomended!
on his last tour he was meant to open his boro gig with the line "hang on if all you are in here whose at home fucking your children?" and it doesnt get much more PC from there
Hes quality Jimmy Carr Claire, totally mint. Ive seen him live a couple of times and got all his DVD's. He is scripted for a lot of his stuff, though hes also quick with rinsings of the audience as well and off the cuff jokes. He is proper harsh with some of his stuff and definitely not for the easily offended, as long as you arent in the front couple of rows though then you will be fine
I don't want to watch the clip incase it ruins the show on Saturday lol I'm always the same when I'm going to see anything.
Hes awesome!!!! Mentioning Chubby Brown, apparently his first proper stand up gig was in a Catholic Hall, and as he was unknown, people didnt know he was Blue. He walked on stage, pointed to a statue of Jesus on the cross, and said, 'I see you caught the Cunt who stole the TV!' Was chased off stage
Hes fucking Mint not saw him live but i did see him in wales years ago. His DVDs are a rite crease. Hes a rite piss ripper so a hope ur not at the front [yt]NbZzZzsJBu4[/yt]
Hes class, harsh as fuck though be prepared for jokes about peados, cancer and all that kind of crack
I ana i rememer on 1 of his dvds he caused a rite stink cause he said fat kids were easier for pedos to catch
We went to see him last month and we was cracking jokes about admiring Josef Fritzel's "handywork" with his underground hideaway. There was a couple of charvs in the front row and when he did his "Ask me anything" bit , one of them put their hand up and said "Can a gan for a piss, yor shit!" - worst thing he could've said. Rinsed for the rest of the show.
I still laugh at how he dealt with a heckle on one of his DVD's. Some guy with an accent started shouting and Jimmy Carr was all 'it's alright, I don't want any fruit and veg' - proper funny shit like.