Mate, I am fucking hopeless for remembring jokes and would only make them sound shite if I tried. Bumped into eyeball who was a lot more sober than me so he might recall a few. He was really quick, kept moving on and on.
i was totally sober! he was funny as fuck, so inappropriate with his comments to be fair, i cant remember all the little jokes he told, just the subjects he brought up 'why you got a side parting?'...cos i like hitler loved the fact the geordies go ripped so much
not forgetting shagging your mum, epileptics and getting caught wanking, only to be told your grandad has died some of the heckles were shit, though one of two were pretty funny
that was one of the funniest comments! loved the grief the 16 year olds got on the front row, that kid with the stupid red hair
I was sitting right next to the tit who was going on about jimmy nail. Fucking loser Loved the bit about 'shagging your gran/mother? up the arse and coming on her tits'. Total legend - no boundaries!!!