jethro joke A man is drivin' is traaactorrr dow the road when a drunk stumbles out from the pub into the street only to be mown down by this traaactorrr. The man driving the traaactorrr goes to the nearest phone box and phones Cambourne police. 'Ello Cambourne police' 'Ello, yes, I'd like to reporrrrt that hiiiiive just killed somewaaan.' 'Is he dead?' 'Oh yes, aaafficer, he looked loiiiik he was sufferrriin, so oi went over im again' 'Where did this 'aapen?' 'Commercial Street, aaafficer' 'Can you spell that please' 'erm erm erm no I cant' 'well that leaves me in bit of a situation' 'Oil tell u warrral do awwfficer. I can spell gas, so oil drag him into Gas Street, and you can pick im up there' 'Thank you sir' *399999 times better on the vid*