It's not as good as it used to be

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TryHard*tidyClaire, Jan 9, 2003.

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  1. TryHard*tidyClaire

    TryHard*tidyClaire Registered User

    Jan 8, 2003
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    It's not as good as it used to be

    for those of you who've been clubbing for a while, do you really think it's not as good as it used to be?

    We all hear it all the time... "superclubs are dying" etc. I disagree with that. It's not dying at all it's just evolving, and it's been evolving right from the start.

    But for a lot of people it's changing for the worse, so I just wondered what you all think that's changing it?

    Is it the really young ones, who aren't old enough even to be in a club who spoil it. They've read in mixmag that it's really cool to come clubbing, so they stand there, not realising that they don't know the score at all. Arrogant as fuck, cos they go to Promise, Crasher, Gods etc so they MUST be cool!

    A lof of people said it's because of drugs. (I hope I don't get this thread shut... I do think this is a valid point). A few years back clubbing was all about pills, but for a high number of people it's about ket and gb now. Not really ideal for clubbing. If they go under it's going to look bad on the club and everyone else involved. Their mates will be worried sick but they have having a blinder so who cares??

    Anyway, I've strayed....

    Is it as good as it used to be, and if not... whats changed it in your opinion?
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    weve all got older, and more cynical......
    its seems to have all lost its fun a bit.......
  4. TryHard*tidyClaire

    TryHard*tidyClaire Registered User

    Jan 8, 2003
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    yeah... it's only so long before you realise that it's only a big disco
  5. B.O.B.

    B.O.B. Registered User

    Jan 30, 2002
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    I think it has changed a lot. Going clubbing used to be about going out, seeing your mates, dancing your tits off, not particularly caring which DJ was on, and talking bollocks to complete strangers. Now, rightly or wrongly, much more emphasis is put on DJs and highly defined styles of music, and everything is taken so much more seriously. There seems to be a lot more clubbing snobbery about (we like more intelligent music than you, dress better than you etc). Though there are still people about who do it the old fashioned way!

    I still think though that I have probably changed more than clubbing has, and so see things differently.
  6. Mr Scottyfish

    Mr Scottyfish Registered User

    Sep 3, 2002
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    Re: It's not as good as it used to be

    Very valid point, especially with Sundis North moving locations. From what I hear, the K and GB are a factor in the decision.

    It really does spoil the night when you're there 'avin' it and you see some poor bloke etc curled up in the corner dribbling away. Takes the edge off things.

    To some, clubbing these days is all about going and getting wrecked on drink/drugs, instead of going for the music and the social aspect.

    You do see the clubbing newbies standing round the edges in their best gear, watching at those trying to dance and have fun instead of getting involved themselves. They must think that it's not cool to dance like a maniac and make a fool out of yourself (well, I do anyway!) but it's cool to be in the club though. Saw this my last visit to Sundis HQ (14th Dec), loads of these type of people round the edge of the floor/sitting down. The place didn't have the same buzz as it usually does.
  7. Mr Scottyfish

    Mr Scottyfish Registered User

    Sep 3, 2002
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    Hit the nail on the head!

    Clubbing snobbery - perfect definition! :)
  8. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    people are becoming more informed, clued up, and know what they want.
    john kelly just doesnt cut the mustard any more!
  9. B.O.B.

    B.O.B. Registered User

    Jan 30, 2002
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    That's what I mean - the emphasis has changed. It used to be much more about having fun, whereas now it's much more about the music itself.
  10. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    its definitly not about fun anymore...
    i never really have a 'fun' time at promise i dont think. it was good the week the trophy twins were on tho.
    and classics nights are always fun too.

    everybody wants to be the DJ, so its alot more serious!
  11. Mr Scottyfish

    Mr Scottyfish Registered User

    Sep 3, 2002
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    To be honest, I'm probably guilty of this myself. Almost decided not to go this week as it was classics night and probably not my musical taste. Though better of it, going to have a larff and see my mates. The music is secondary concern.
  12. B.O.B.

    B.O.B. Registered User

    Jan 30, 2002
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    I think that is probably the main point.
  13. Mr Scottyfish

    Mr Scottyfish Registered User

    Sep 3, 2002
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    If it's no longer fun, why go??? :confused:
  14. TryHard*tidyShaun

    TryHard*tidyShaun Registered User

    Dec 24, 2002
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    Re: Re: It's not as good as it used to be

    Sorry Im back, I have alot to say!

    Sundissential North is moving not by choice! Club Evolution has other plans and it no longer includes that of Sundissential!

    Sundissential, north noticeably has had a GHB and Ketamine 'concern' for quite some time now. They installed the means to which they were not going to tolerate it any longer and to highlight the dangers and the coulprets who were shadowing the club and it's good reputation.

    You can up sticks and move the club to a different place but the peoples attitudes and ways will still follow it, so its got nothing to do with the move, yet it is a very big concern for the club!
  15. Guest

    Clubbing for me has moved on greatly from when I started. How you start clubbing has a great influence I think on how you see the whole clubbing scene.

    When I started I had so much fun, Cyber, toys, games, new friend and riduculous amounts of stupidity inside a supposed adult environment and it was class!!!

    I sometimes look back with so much passion thinking times are never going to be like that again, but in a way I'm quite glad!

    Although I had loads and loads of fun I didnt appreciate the DJ's and the music as much as I do now!

    To be honest, its just us thats changing, understanding the music and the scene more which gives us the opportunity to discover a new side to our clubbing lives!

    Clubbing is not a serious, 'must know anything' thing. Its a hobby, leisure activity for gods sake!!!

    Experience everything it has to offer, from the madness to the music, the try-hards to the cybers. The drinkers to the 'users'. We are all in it to do the same thing... ... have fun!

    So stop looking back to what was, and start thinking about whats coming, its far more fun and at the end of the day the pasts gone so stop trying to bring back something thats gone!

    CLUBBING IS EVOLVING, But ask yourself ARE YOU? :angel:
  16. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    for the music.
    but i wouldnt say its fun.
    i have more fun when im just round mine getting pissed with my mates and dancing to wham.
  17. Mr Scottyfish

    Mr Scottyfish Registered User

    Sep 3, 2002
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    If you just go clubbing for the music, why don't you save all that money you'd spend going out (roughly £50+ a night as a rough guess) and invest it in some decks and stuff, sit, get pissed with your mates, have fun and listen to the tunes you like?

    The music is a factor, but if you don't have fun when you're out, what's the point in going out? :confused:
  18. miss_messy

    miss_messy Registered User

    Dec 19, 2001
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    MaJiKaL pLaNeT MoO
    we're just gettin older and a new generation is takin over....its not about us no more, but them. they create the new looks etc....(or just copy off wot we did)

    as u get older clubbin becomes less important. u realise its not the be all and end all to everythin. its sumthing that comes out of routine mostly, well it was gettin that way for me anyway..........
  19. TryHard*tidyShaun

    TryHard*tidyShaun Registered User

    Dec 24, 2002
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    It's like a swinging pendulum really, it swings back and forth, you will have good times, you will have bad, it's not going to be a bed of sweet smelling roses all the time, there are factors that influence the club scene and that has an instrumental effect on the clubbers, if and where they decide to take their money..

    Clubs have to constantly re-evaluate themselves in order to get the best pitch in the market. It's trial and error, you experiment, it works, great, if it doesn't, you try something else till it does work.

    The superclubs have shot themselves in the foot tho countless times and this has been their downfall.........for now, it doesn't mean 'the end'. They play a great influence in the progression of the scene in general and move it onto other plaines which is good, because it's the middle man to up and coming new talent from the smaller clubs which keeps everything nice and fresh

    Clubbers want it on their own terms, noone cares about elite door policies, essentially it's all about having fun! Alot of the clubs, Crasher being a prime example has become disconnected from his clubbers for a long time, there's not alot of feedback, it seems to the rest of us, they are merely drifting along, not knowing what's going to happen with the club from one week to the next (or now, month to month).

    To not feel essentially apart of the 'family' of the club, if that still exists with some clubs anymore? and to not feel your money is being appreciated and being put back into the CLUB to safe guard good times for the future, well quite frankly, they will go elsewhere, where their voices ARE heard and considered.

    You begin going clubbing and really you don't fully understand and appreciate why you're even there.

    People need to look beyond the clubbing BRAND, where the owers are laughing all the way to the bank I'd like to add! and look to what's really important, the people and the music.

    Look beyond the 4 walls and you'll see it's something emensly special and the great part of it one can ever take those memories away from you!
  20. Mr Scottyfish

    Mr Scottyfish Registered User

    Sep 3, 2002
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    *Round of applause*

    Well reasoned.
  21. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    i have decks etc....

    i think i have given the wrong is fun, but just not that fun anymore.....cos its more about the music.

    club tropicana drinks are freeeeee.........

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