Its Friday!!! And its sunny and i can't wait for tonight as i aint been to Promise is 35 days so how is everyone today
im going shopping in leeds tmw as well! im going home for the weekend, and home is only 40 mins from leeds cant wait to hit the shops!!!!!!!
i lve in scunthorpe mate, its about 40 mins from leeds, and my bro's at uni there, so we are going to see him. hip is a cool shop, got some duffer stuff from there a while back. i like westworld as well, nice shop!
cool, yeah i like hipp (when i can afford it), are you off to vuzz or promise tonight, ps ur g/f works behind the bar wats her name might know who she is?????
no mate, im driving straight home tonight after work, so no promise for me! the girlfriend is called ciragh ( pronounced kira) blonde hair, glasses, think shes the only one who wears glasses there! shes working tonight!!
nope duno anyone with that name soz, right have a good journey back to sunny scunthorpe mate c yas go to vuzz first tho have you ever been (or did the queues put you off ??
cheers matey! she will most likely be on the bar upstairs, in case youre up there! i havent been to vuzz yet no, though im keen. most the peeps i go out with are househeads only, so things like that dont appeal to them i prefer my house, but i like the trancier side of things as well enjoy vuzz/promise tonight mate, have a good un!!
you know what john, i might just do that! im pretty intrigued to see what youre like mate, youre obviously good enough to be playing out though i dont think lab 4 will be attended by me afterwards!!
im not goin to lab 4... if u wanna see what im like just walk round sometime for a mix...i only live up the road!